May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.

May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.
My Story
My name is Katelynn Manz and I'm a daughter of the Salish Sea, born into saltwater air across from the Puget Sound in Washington State. The Pacific Northwest is a biodiverse region of conifers and pine, wild berries and flowers, glacially cut ridge and shorelines, rich farmland and wetlands, eroding bluffs and coulees. I’m forever grateful for our lives exploring here; these mountains and coasts, from every valley, estuary, inlet, and tide.
Growing up, my family vacationed inland annually for a couple weeks in summer, exploring the back roads, trails, fishing, swimming holes, and restaurants of eastern Washington. I’ve inherited an addiction to travel and movement, imparted by backpacking trips with my dad to Central America and Thailand, or observations in the backyard with my mom. In high school, when we learned to drive, my friends and I would go as far as we could, driving as far as Portland in a school night. Otherwise we were at concerts, listening to any local band practicing for their Seattle debut, loving to mosh and get close to people through music and arts culture.
From the Navy town of Bremerton, an hour ferry ride north of Seattle, I volunteered doing outreach with record labels, radio stations, and festivals. Eventually I graduated from Washington State University Pullman with a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, studying English, Music, and Philosophy, with a conviction that being rooted in land and art are both therapeutic and required for health. Now, I’m an advocate for organic and provide tips on healthy living and sustainability. My loves manifest in yoga, singing, running, writing, photography, and nature.
Recently I’ve done all scheduling, website management, content creation, and designing of outreach materials for the Computer Science Department at Western Washington University, where my reach is broad, and attention to detail and thought to accessibility and target audience is key. I also previously worked for the North Cascades Institute, living in North Cascades National Park.
Having previously tutored in the WSU writing center, I’m hoping to continue developing my writing skills, both creatively and technically, so please reach out for commissioned work or proofreading! I'm a professional storyteller, experienced with content creation, web accessibility, SEO, web development, branding, public relations, event planning and promotion, copy writing and editing, layout design, and graphic design. I'm available to design marketing collateral, review writing, tutor, consult, or photograph!
I believe in peace through love. I believe we are nature, all things are connected, and nature is necessary for our wellbeing and survival. I believe everyone deserves equality and access to resources. I believe eating organic and shopping local is crucial for health, sustainability, conservation, and equality.
If you have a question or would like to collaborate, I can be reached at weseekthesea@gmail.com
Contact me for freelance hire!